• Bringing Ontario Back

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We are neither Red nor Blue nor Orange…
we are the Ontario Alliance!

Bringing forth a change in political culture here in the province, the Ontario Alliance is a new provincial political party that is an Alliance made up of regular everyday folk like you, tired of wasteful government spending, disillusioned by regional disparity and sick and tired of the ever growing provincial debt. Ontario Taxpayers have made it clear that they desire a free enterprise alternative. The Ontario Alliance will fight aggressively against government overreach, intervention and intrusion. The Citizens of Ontario no longer have to put up with the divisive and elitist mainstream party attitude of the “Big Three” at Queen’s Park.

We believe in a balanced approach to government, where a free market economy is the most efficient way to ensure sustainable socially and fiscally responsible programs and a clean and healthy environment, which will ensure the long term objective of rightsizing the government and allow individuals to run their small businesses and raise their hardworking families towards a goal of prosperity, allowing for greater regional autonomy within the province.

By championing democratic, bottom up, grassroots policies that reflect our Party’s Charter and Declaration of Principles, the Ontario Alliance looks to “Bring us Back” to governmental accountability, transparency and integrity with the way we do business within the Ontario Legislature for the people of this province. A party committed to responsible regional representation and balance that includes Rural and Northern Ontario, who have been left out of vital decision making at Queen’s Park for just far too long. The Ontario Alliance will restore this province’s rightful place within Confederation, making it once again the economic engine of Canada, returning it back from have not status to have status, balancing the budget and destroying the debt and deficit. Finally, allowing life to become affordable and families to keep the heat and lights on, while protecting the taxpayer and the citizen’s freedom of speech, which can no longer be taken for granted. Ontarians truly deserve better, as we join with them in finding the common ground towards the common sense of the common people, and preserving the principled “Ontario First” ideals, values and culture, where as “Loyal She Began, Loyal She Remains” equally for all Ontarians.

Let us UNITE, grow STRONGER and BRING ONTARIO BACK with the Ontario Alliance!

GET INVOLVED – Our success depends on dedicated, talented, like-minded individuals like you.

Become a Member

Let us Unite, grow STRONGER and BRING ONTARIO BACK with the Ontario Aliiance! Party Membership is open to residents of Ontario that are 14 years of age or older.

Make a Donation

By donating to the Ontario Alliance you are taking an important step towards helping us Bring Ontario Back! Any person who is a resident of Ontario may contribute.

Volunteer Today

Want to meet like-minded people and influence change in government, this is your opportunity. Every volunteer hour helps to Bring Ontario Back.