Bringing Ontario Back


We are the Ontario Alliance, a brand new provincial political party in the Province of Ontario that believes in people first politics for Ontarians first, also believes in the common sense of the common people towards a common goal which can only be scored by a principled Ontario Alliance centre from a Liberal left wing and a Tory right wing in the Ontario Legislature:

Ontario Alliance: Origins

Ontario Alliance: Foundations

  • One which progressively moves bottom up from the grassroots towards a genuine reform, renewal, and restoration of the various governmental branches of civil service for all citizens equally, delivered effectively, and operated efficiently in a proper responsible way through rightsizing.

  • One that knows only by saving, not spending on the excessive like the Ontario Liberals or cutting out the essential like the Ontario Tories, can we even begin moving toward the path of prosperity, progressive economic growth, and positive job creation for Ontarians.

  • One that believes in a government that is transparent, honest, and above all else accountable to the taxpayer, which is why we work forward towards legislation that enacts better balanced budgets, with strong taxpayer protections and real debt and deficit reductions built within it.

  • One that leads to less government waste through controlled spending, more taxpayer freedom through choice and competition, and a return to our democratic electoral voice by the people, of the people, and for the people.

  • One that promotes a Triple R government through recall, referenda, and real responsible representation including recorded unwhipped free vote from their constituency to their caucus or constitution to the conscience of the member.

  • One where originally classical ideals, such as the basic building block of our society being our hardworking families and its parents, along with their traditional family values, all being respected once again.

  • One where the rights and responsibilities of the individual, and their personal freedoms therein, simply to live and let live with no place for the state are paramount.

  • One where the environment around us is restored and the culture within us is renewed, by caring and sharing our heritage in both areas, through conservation and preservation we can give back more than we take from.

  • One that protects the political conditions and environs for an economically free enterprise government that promotes trade, prosperity, and opportunity and a socially fair society which preserves truth, justice, and equality before the rule of law.

  • One in which the balance between the powers that be at Queen’s Park for the greated overentitled City of Toronto and the rest of the province in Suburban, Rural and Northern Ontario and between the heavily centralized federal government in Ottawa and our own Ontario is given a fairer deal towards regional and provincial rights, responsibilities, and powers such as equalization.

We advocate for those principled policy points from seven specific subgroups that makeup the general membership of the Ontario Alliance:

  • Economic Revitalization: a principle held by the fiscal conservative/responsible who cares about promoting and prescribing tax fairness, job creation, and economic development, opportunity, and growth.

  • Fiscal Restraint: a principle held by the civil libertarian/classical liberal who cares about protecting and preserving the personal rights and responsibilities of life, liberty, freedom, and the individual pursuit of the citizen and taxpayer.

  • Social Responsibility: a principle held by the social conservative/responsible who cares about protecting and preserving the personal choice and conscience on moral issues and matters involving life, family, and marriage by getting the business of government out.

  • Democratic Reform: a principle held by the democratic reformer who cares about promoting and prescribing recall, referenda, and real responsible representation such as less party discipline through recorded unwhipped free votes and free voices for all MPPs to provide balanced representation for their constituents’ wishes.

  • Environmental Restoration: a principle held by the environmental conservationist who cares about promoting and prescribing local free market small business solutions to solve global ecological and environmental stewardship issues.

  • Cultural Renewal: a principle held by the regional autonomist/sovereignist who cares about protecting and preserving provincial rights, responsibilities, and power plus regional decentralization, sovereignty, and autonomy against overcentralized government.

  • Constitutional Reconfederation: a principle held by the national constitutionalist who cares about protecting and preserving the supremacy of God, King/Queen, constitution, national/provincial flag, anthem, heritage, patriotic duty, and the original letter of the law over its revised spirit and interpretation.

We advocate for those principled policy points from seven specific subgroups that makeup the general membership of the Ontario Alliance:

  • We believe in the ethical, responsible and accountable execution of the business of government which, in a free and democratic society, is to secure the life, liberty and property of the people through the prudent development and judicious enforcement of sensible laws and policies;

  • We believe in limited government and the indispensable role that autonomous institutions such as church, family and other voluntary associations play in maintaining those limits by balancing and diffusing the power of the state;

  • We recognize the natural family as the basic building block of a free and democratic society and the place where healthy and responsible citizens are formed. We believe in honouring parents and respecting the common-sense values they choose to live and raise their children by;

  • We acknowledge that the people may choose for the government, as a secondary role, to provide essential services where the private sector is unable to do so. We reject, however, the practice of government monopolization of such services except in cases where monopoly is demonstrably necessary for the safe and efficient delivery and/or operation of that service;

  • Subject to reasonable limits designed to deter incitement to violence against people or property, we believe in freedom of conscience and worship, freedom of speech, freedom of association and the principle of equality before the law;

  • We acknowledge that a responsible government might be compelled, from time to time, to adopt budgets that are not balanced. We reject, however, the practice of accumulating public debt through regular budget deficits and the passing on of that debt to future generations, as a violation of the principle of no taxation without representation. We also reject the practice of regularly submitting surplus budgets as over-taxation;

  • We reject the divisive politics of envy and resentment that has come to dominate contemporary public discourse. We believe that government should encourage independence, celebrate hard work and inspire personal success, because it is only through personal success that wealth is created, communities thrive, and our province flourishes;

  • We believe in the good stewardship of our natural environment which includes its responsible exploration and development as well as its renewal and conservation, both of which are vital to improving the economic well-being and quality of life of all Ontarians;

  • We believe in a decentralized government that respects regional balance and empowers local government to develop and execute policies that reflect the needs and concerns of the citizens of those regions.

We further advocate for these seven basic principled platform points of the Ontario Alliance developed this Winter of 2017 in an all inclusive platform “Bringing Ontario Back: A Seven Point Plan towards a Better Ontario together!” into the 21st century:

  • Balanced Budget First: Taxpayer Protection and Debt and Deficit Reduction towards Rightsizing Government.

  • No to Carbon Tax Pricing: Let Citizens Decide with Choice and Competition on Hydro, Energy and their Environmental Future.

  • No to the Sex Ed Curriculum: Let Parents Decide with Choice and Competition on Schooling and their Children’s Educational Future.

  • More Accountability on Healthcare: Let Patients Decide with Choice and Competition on Essential and Non-Essential Servicing.

  • Restoring Labour Management Relations: Tax Fairness and Relief for hardworking families, individuals and small businesses towards Job Creation, Affordable Living and Balanced Economic Growth.

  • Renewing Intergovernmental Autonomy: Giving back greater control, regional balance and responsibility to municipalities, across the rest of the province in Suburban, Rural and Northern Ontario, recovered from Queen’s Park and strengthening Ontario by taking its provincial autonomy and powers back from heavily centralized federal government in Ottawa.

  • The Ontario Alliance’s Commitment to Constituents: Triple R Government being Recall, Referenda, and Real Responsible Representation, including repealing bureaucratic red tape legislation, more open debate by protecting and preserving freedom of speech and conscience, less party discipline through unwhipped free votes and free voices for all MPPs to provide balanced representation for their constituents’ wishes.

We advocate asking these seven fundamental real life questions, to apply on to any proposed legislation of the future, or any revisions of laws from the past for any future Ontario Alliance MPP in an Ontario Alliance caucus in the Ontario Legislature:

  • Where is the legal precedent for said legislation in parliament?

  • Do we the people really need it?

  • How should wasteful government spending be cut?

  • What is it going to cost us?

  • How are we going to pay for it without applying it against the deficit?

  • Can all of us do it for less?

  • What is the most acceptable way to raise additional revenue to sustain it?