2022 Provincial Election Platform
Bringing Ontario Back: A Ten-Point Plan towards a Better Ontario together!
Ontario Alliance 2022 Provincial Election Platform
1. We are committed to the protection of unabridged freedom of speech, assembly and conscience.
2. The Ontario Alliance is opposed to any types of lockdowns and mandated vaccine passports that violate the Civil Rights of
Ontarians, which include the violation of an individual’s private medical status. We oppose these draconian laws that
compromise the prosperity and viability of small business, along with the detrimental effects on individuals’ health, wellbeing
and their right to earn income. We are committed to protecting the Civil Rights and Liberties of Ontarians.
3. Renewing Intergovernmental Autonomy: Giving back greater control, regional balance and responsibility equally
and respectively over our 16 region structure. We are committed to a recovery from Queen’s Park and strengthening
Ontario by taking its provincial autonomy and powers back from Ottawa’s Federal Machiavellianism.
4. Committed to an extensive provincial re-evaluation of essential vs non-essential services with a focus on respective
taxpayer funding.
5. Restoring Labour Management Relations: Tax fairness and relief for hardworking Families, individuals and small
businesses. Building towards job creation, affordable living and balanced economic growth
6. The Ontario Alliance’s Commitment to Constituents: Triple R Government being Recall, Referenda, and Real
Responsible representation, including repealing bureaucratic red tape legislation. We are committed to more open
debate by protecting and preserving freedom of speech and conscience through unwhipped free votes and free
voices for all MPPs to provide balanced representation of their Constituencies.
7. Balanced Budget First: Taxpayer protection, debt and deficit reduction towards rightsizing government.
8. No to the Sex Ed Curriculum: Let Parents decide, with choice and competition on schooling and their children’s
educational future. The Ontario Alliance recognizes Parents as primary educators and caregivers of their children.
9. No to Carbon Tax Pricing: Let citizens decide with choice and competition with respect to hydro, energy and their
environmental future.
10. We are committed to a thorough review of the Firearms Act and regulations from a provincial perspective with a focus on responsible gun ownership and its respective private property civil rights. The Ontario Alliance supports an emphasis on policing urban and rural gun crime.
Ontario Alliance
28 Graydon Drive
Mount Elgin, ON N0J1N0
Phone: 519-410-7479
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